Take Action to Lower Your Breast and Ovarian Cancer Risk

Knowing your cancer risk and taking steps to lower your risk for getting breast or ovarian cancer may save your life.

Learn Your Family History of Cancer

  • Encourage family members to share information.
  • It may save those they love.

Follow these tips:

  • Cancers can run in families.
  • Explain that you are creating a record of your family’s history of cancer.
  • Word your questions carefully and be a good listener.
  • Write down who had cancer, age when diagnosed, and type of cancer.

Make Healthy Lifestyle Changes: 

  • Maintain a healthy weight
  • Get enough physical activity
  • Breastfeeding your babies can lower your risk of breast cancer

Increase the chance of finding breast cancer early, when it is easier to treat.

  • Know how your breasts normally look and feel.
  • If you do find a lump, do not be afraid.  Finding one early can be lifesaving.
  • Talk to your doctor right away, if you notice changes in your breast.
  • Talk to your doctor if you have a higher risk, including a family history of cancer.

APHCV accepts new patients. Give us a call if you want to make an appointment.

More information: https://www.cdc.gov/cancer/breast/young_women/bringyourbrave/resources/infographics/takeaction_infographic.htm